Monday, March 19, 2007

Lunch: a way to get pissed off daily

When it gets close to lunch, I always get pissed off. People at work decided that my boss and I can no longer be gone at the same time. By this, they mean even a slight overlapping of 5-10 minutes. Under most work conditions this wouldn't be an issue, but for me things are different. If my boss left at the same time everyday, things would be fine. If my boss didn't leave for an hour and a half everyday, I wouldn't care. My boss leaves whenever he feels like it and takes at least an hour and a half. Even if I tell him I have lunch plans at 1:30 PM, he will leave at 12:15 PM and not return until 1:45 PM having no regard for my lunch appointment. My friend, Boobies McBrune is always having to wait for me. My friend at work, Fuzzy McCootersnatch is usually having to wait for me too. I don't mind that my boss takes longer that everyone else, that doesn't bother me. What DOES bother me, is when I go up to him at 11:30 in the morning telling him to leave so he can be back at a decent time, he doesn't do it. I get to work before he does. So basically he gets here later than I do, he leaves for lunch before I do, and he takes a longer lunch than I do. Hmmmmm. How does this make and sense? Where does it add up? I try to be nice about it, but I am annoyed. If I am giving him a heads up on the time so he doesn't leave too late, he should know that I am not doing it because I care about his stomach, but the fact that I am hungry and need to eat before I transform into a total bitch. There are certain things that I have to have a certain way or I lose it.

1) Don't hang up on me.
2) When I am hungry, don't make me wait forever to eat. (My ex, Mayor's son found out the hard way........ He made me wait to eat, and when I finally ate, I threw everything up.)
3) Don't lie.
4) Don't cheat.

I told him to leave about an hour ago, and I still don't think he has made his way out the door yet. Why do I have to deal with the same shit everyday? I am tired of this place and their pathetic bullshit they call a business. Fuzzy McCootersnatch has seemed to see the light. She will be chunking the deuce very soon. Hell, I wouldn't mind dropping everything and hauling myself to a different location. Food for thought. Oh wait, I am waiting to go to lunch, there is no food for thought..... dick licks!!!

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Anonymous said...

I, Fuzzy McKootersnatch, agree whole heartedly with always pissed off. She speaks the truth, peoples. One co-worker was being rude and perverted, as always. So I just told Fatty McChuckles to start picking on someone else because I am outta here. He makes me look and feel thin. Grey headed match.common' sad pathetic saggy balls asshole. Anyhow, always pissed off, you are officially the president and founder of the severely pissed off alliance. the SPOA.

Anonymous said...

So now I am on a role. I am hungry and unappreciated. My nose is always bugerlicious. I think I am allergic to this place. We will call it Guido Car Central (no harm intended to the Italian peoples - they allright). I feel like I work at an opera house, and am actually living the opera, not watching it from the audience. Fatty is an ass, and Slick Mean Woman Lover is in a bad mood today. So serious. Chill out people, although you are in a place of false promises and pretentions, life ain't that serious. So just chill... and blog your saggy balls off.