Thursday, March 15, 2007

A happy start to a pissed off beginning

At the current moment there isn't anything wrong. I glance at the clock and see it is only 2:45PM; there is so much potential for things to get screwed up. After all, there are 9 hours and 15 minutes left before the day is over. I did get paid today....... That is a good thing. Let's see, what can I bitch about? Well, there are people at work that seem to thrive off making my life miserable. I was quoted today "Beware the ides of March" regarding Caesar Augustus. I think people here are plotting my assassination. It is so hard to keep up with everyone around here. I cannot make any promises that I will be pissed off everyday, but I can assure you I am more often pissed off than not.

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1 comment:

Belle said...

Welcome to the wonderful world o' blogging, friend. Hope it lets you release some steam!