Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Dick Licks and Douche Bags

Today is just a great day. Let me fill you all in on how absolutely wonderful my life is at present. First off, NJ is getting back with his ex..... go figure. I called him as I was driving to work this morning when he informed me of this executive decision. Not only that, but apparently he is unable to maintain a friendship with me in addition. I put together a package of goodies to send him before I even knew that he was potentially getting back with his ex, and have been holding on to it because his birthday is April 6. When I had asked him what I should do about the package, he informed me that it would be best NOT to send it. So basically there goes $50.00 down the drain. I told him that this was not fair, and for lacking any kind of compassion, I guess he just didn't get it. As I am speaking to NJ on the phone, Eggland's Best calls me and tells me my car is leaking oil. Fucking fabulous, just when I thought it couldn't be any worse. So I drive to work, paranoid that when I got my oil changed 800 miles ago, they fucked something up, and had Eggland's Best not noticed, I would have a fried engine in 4,200 miles before my next service due. I called and complained. My car isn't even a year old, and for them to already be fucking up during my second oil change is ridiculous. Fortunately I work in a place where people are trained for such situations. The leak is fixed, but the dick licks are still on my shit list. Oil changes are the most common repair, and if they can't even do it right, what the fuck are they doing in that particular field? I am irate. NJ had mentioned that he was seeking therapy and whatnot, well, you know what? I have been there, done that, taken all that bullshit, and realized something. Mind over matter. You have to be mentally capable of overcoming obstacles on your own. Medication isn't necessarily the answer. I know, I was on them all. You can't live your life falsely depending on some medication to make everything bearable. You are supposed to hurt, to feel ,and to cry. Life is supposed to be hard. Life is supposed to be an emotional roller coaster. I don't give a damn who you are, because I know from personal experience. You have to find another method of relieving those issues or you will never be complete. I may be fucked up, but I know it is real and I know how to change things. I don't rely on false pretenses or self medicating oneself. Look at all those people whose lives are ruined from drugs. They are just doing the low class version of what you are doing. People, it is normal to feel frustrated or upset. It is normal to cry, scream, cheer, and love. You have to find your own way of overcoming emotional battles with oneself. One day the medication may not be there, but I will. I will still be here and I will still fight those depressed urges, because I can do anything and I don't need medication to know that. If you think I am wrong, this is the only medication you need.......

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Belle said...


I'm glad they caught the leak. Oh, and Fuck NJ. We should both boycott guys from that freakin' cesspool state. He doesn't deserve you anyway.

Anonymous said...

I can remember when my car got screwed up. the cam shaft had some scaring on the journal bearings. luckally i know my shit whn it comes to cars and proved that it was a factory defect. I got a 3,000 dollar engin for free. took 3 months to go through all that though. I hate car companies.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with you on the antidepressants... ive been on them all too and when I made the decision not to poison my body and depend on pills the rest of my life... pills which have not been around long enough to possibly know the long term affects...I cope MUCH better

Anonymous said...

i hate boys.