Friday, June 22, 2007

And it Was Over Lick-ety Split

I moved to New Jersey with 2 friends that I met on MySpace; Sweet Charity and Nanny Mongo 911. At this time that number has dropped down to 0. Nanny Mongo 911 should be named differently seeing as how she lost her job, but considering I haven't the effort to think of something appropriate for her without being a complete bitch, I will leave her name as is. Nanny Mongo 911 and I were never as close as Sweet Charity and I were, and I think this bothered her. I think in some twisted way, she was jealous that I would steal her girlfriend from her. I am not homophobic by any means, but I prefer sausage to taco, and that is the way it has always been and always will be. It is a shame to have lost Sweet Charity as a friend, but I haven't the effort to constantly feel the need to justify my words, my actions, and according to Nanny Mongo 911, the way I STARE at people. I have never been told that I stare at people or anything like that, but I'll just let that slide and take her word for it for lack of giving a shit.

Saturday the 16th, I had called Sweet Charity and Nanny Mongo 911 after having dinner with my parents at a restaurant owned by Brinker International. I had taken my car separate from my parents in case I was going out afterwards to avoid having to drive home, get my car, then leave again. They said they weren't in the mood to hang out that night and that we would try to get together the following day. I must clarify that no one is obligated to hang out with me, and personally I wouldn't want to hang out with someone that feels like they HAVE to hang out with me. I was fine with the fact that they were not up for company, told Nanny Mongo 911 the same thing, and drove home where I watched a movie with my parents and enjoyed my recently purchased TV for the first time since I have moved here.

Monday the 18th I felt under the weather and didn't make it to work. I got on my computer at home to check my emails, and Sweet Charity was online. We started talking. She said that Nanny Mongo 911 told her that I was pissed about Saturday and that I hung up on her so things were weird. I told Sweet Charity that I was not upset, that I would call and tell Nanny Mongo 911 the same thing just to reassure that my words were not misconstrued. I left a message telling her this and went on with the rest of my day.

Wednesday the 20th I went over to a co worker's house and watched a movie and on my way home I called Sweet Charity. No answer. At this point I figured something was up because we usually talk a few times a week and I have been getting the cold shoulder.

Yesterday I wrote Nanny Mongo 911 an email asking her when a good time to get my shoes and lunchbox would be. I had left them there the Friday before. We had gone out that night, and I had gone to their house directly from work leaving my belongings there when we went out. She writes me back saying that I can pick my things up on the upstairs porch because they were having company and if that was not convenient, she just didn't know what else to do because they were busy the rest of the week.

I wrote Sweet Charity instead, because she tends to be the more level headed one, and seeing how she was not the one I had talked to on the phone on Saturday I assumed she would be better to talk to. If I told her I was not mad, she should believe it, after all she was not the one on the phone with me and apparently still doesn't know the truth because her idiotic, jealous girlfriend felt the need to turn her against me. I asked her that if that day wasn't convenient seeing as how they were leaving my shit outside, they can opt to send it to me with their postage returned to them for the "inconvenience". This seemed to be more inconvenient for them, so I said I would pick it up and that be the end of it.

I went over there after work and interestingly enough Sweet Charity's coworker, whose wedding I had attended was there as well. I saw her car and heard their voices outside and from below. They were all outside like the immature people I thought they were not. Well, I already knew about Nanny Mongo 911, because when she decided to dump Sweet Charity and take it back a few days later she had dropped me off her MySpace friends list for being there. This is completely another issue that I should get into because she dumps her girlfriend, tells her she is in love with someone else, tells her she still loves her, and that she was doing it for her. This is all bullshit because if she really LOVED her, she wouldn't have dumped her, and she would have been glad that she had a friend like me that was there for her when she was such a mess. She didn't care. She just was rejected by the girl she was still in love with so decided to stick around and retract her break up for the meantime, until it happens again that is.

Needless to say, they are full of DRAMA, and I could care less to deal with all of that shit.

The title lick-ety split has to do with the fact that they are of the lezzy persuasion..... I just thought it was clever. If I left anything out, I will add to it later, enough of the bullshit for the meantime.


Belle said...

Drama queens! Consider yourself lucky that you didn't get any more wrapped up in their twisted little world.

Who the hell throws poo at people's cars? Much less people they know and claim to be friends with! Jesus... you're MUCH better off.

Belle said...

I tagged you for a meme, yo. Check out the rules on my site. :)