Friday, March 30, 2007

All my exes live in Texas

I must start by saying that all of my exes do not live in Texas, but many of them do. I am so annoyed with the last one though. My last boyfriend and current ex, Middle School Midget annoyed the hell out of me. I shouldn't let it bother me, but it does, and I just can't help it. Of all of the people I have gone out with, I have known him the longest. We went to Middle School together. We have known one another for 15 years now. I cannot understand why Middle School Midget is so immature. He broke up with me in the beginning of January. He claimed that he wasn't happy with his life and what he was going to do with it, that is had nothing to do with me. He claimed that he was unable to make me happy if he himself was not happy. Mind you six days before he broke up with me we were at a bar called Sherlock's and I got upset because he was bragging to his friends on how much ass he got in college. The only reason that this bothered me is because I didn't want to hear about his past. I never ask questions regarding my significant others past because I do not care to know. There is no reason for me getting all jealous when it was before me, but at the same time I do not want it brought up in my presence. He could have told them that when I wasn't around, or when I was getting another round of drinks, because I of course was paying for the both of us. Well, that happened and I just walked away, went to the bar, and closed my tab. He came looking for me and what seemed to be honesty, told me that he didn't mean to make me upset, that he was happy with me, and he wasn't going anywhere. This was 6 days before he broke up with me. Well, lets fast forward to that point. He breaks up with me and tells me that he still wants to be friends and whatnot. I have no problem with that. I wasn't a bad break up (meaning no one fucked up), and for the most part, I am pretty good friends with most of my exes. We exchange a few emails after the break up, and he assures me we are still friends, although immediately taking down pictures of the two of us, and me off his top friends on MySpace, a place for friends. He did leave one picture though, which yesterday, nearly 3 months later I comment on it in a friendly manner. I wrote "do you ever look back and think of all the fun we had? Good times." and guess what he did? He didn't respond, he didn't acknowledge the comment, he erased the fucking picture. I know that he knew it was still there, because the day after he dumped me, he took one off of me kissing him (while he was on the phone...... go figure.) This was a funny picture and he took it off because I said something about it? Come on, grow the fuck up. We have known one another for 15 years; 15 fucking years. It is no surprise that he lives at his parents house and has no job. It is no shock to me that he plays video games all day. It doesn't make me blink twice that when he does actually make a little money, he wants to buy an Xbox 360 instead of thinking of how to get his own place and move out. Personally if I were him, I would feel bad for his mother, who told him she couldn't retire this year as planned because he was still living at home without a job. I guess he lacks motivation. He is a selfish fucking prick to want to try to go at it alone too. I was there beside him through every decision, be it good or bad, and he didn't care. He hasn't seemed to find it on his own either. He is still on MySpace everyday instead of looking for a job, or substitute teaching. It must be nice to not do shit, possibly work once every month, play video games, and have your phone, car insurance, food, and all expenses paid for. You are not on vacation fuck face, get a job and let your mom retire!!


Anonymous said...

damn... somebody got served, lol!

Anonymous said...

That is so fucked up. I could never be friends with any of my exes cause their all assholes. Midget's mom should kick his ass out, see how he likes that shit. He's just a prick. All men are pricks. They all think with it.

Anonymous said...

well. i just love it. you don't need that fuckface.

regina said...

middle school midget!? yeah, i'm thinking you can do better. i prefer grown ups too.