Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Plotting on PT Shmoozer

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This is my last week of work, and for the most part everyone has been pretty easy to get along with, except PT Shmoozer. Ever since Monday she has needed a priest to hold an exorcism in her honor. With a 360 degree turn of her neck, I knew it was on. For some reason she is an unhappy person and tends to come off that way to everyone else, causing her to be disliked by the majority of the staff. I have had a not so pleasant exchange of words with her since Monday. When my boss got into the office on Monday, he asked me to inquire with PT Shmoozer regarding some overtime I worked the previous Friday. I asked her if that was going to be paid in addition to my normal pay check Tuesday the 1st, or if she was planning on waiting until Friday to cut that check. Her response was unsatisfactory, and I made it known to those in authoritative positions. She said that because I had taken off for 420 when my friends were in town, that my 6 1/2 hours of overtime would pretty much cover the day I missed work. This was unacceptable. I have been working with this company for 6 months, and of that 6 months, the owner, the general manager, and my boss knew about me taking 420 off 2 months in advance. This day was approved and signed to be a paid day out. PT Shmoozer informs me that an employee doesn't acquire any paid time off until the year anniversary of their start date, but seeing as how the company failed to give me anything in writing or an employee handbook all this was up in the air. I have been told 2 different things at this point. I had been told 1) that employees get one week vacation their first year, and I have been told 2) an employee gets one week vacation after they have been there one year. The problem stems from the lack of organization and the lack of professionalism in this company. First off, in order to enforce these rules and policies, they must provide adequate paperwork to their employees, otherwise how is a person to know? Secondly, had I called in sick I would have received a paid sick day, but PT Shmoozer was trying to dock me a days pay for something I had given over 2 month notice; I think not. I of course raised hell to my boss and the general manager. I was told by the GM to wait until Friday and it would be resolved. I was not going to do this. I hardly think that anyone is going to be willing to help me on my last day, much less have to track down money owed to me on my last day. I also do not think I should have to wait until my last day seeing as how the pay period had ended and that day was part of that particular pay period. I refused to hear anything else; I was to be paid that day, and that was final. Well, all day we were back and forth with PT Shmoozer, with the GM and my boss on my side. At 4:30 yesterday afternoon I went to her desk, asked if my check was ready and she said "No". I walked into my boss' office and told him that if she didn't pay me, I was going to stand there until she did, and that I wasn't lifting a finger to do any work until I was paid for my time. I go back to her desk at 5:00 when I am heading out to go home. The check was still not issued. I walk into my Italian Long-Lunch's office again and tell him I am not leaving until this was fixed. In the hallway, the GM comes to me and hands me a personal check out of he and his wife's personal account. I told him I was not going to take his money that PT Shmoozer can write me a check, and then, just then, the bitch says "Here is your check". I wanted to punch that bitch in the face; Matter of fact that is the plan for Friday when I leave the establishment for good. I may also post a few advertisements on sites for casual sexual encounters and spam stuff to be received in her inbox.

1 comment:

Belle said...

When I worked with Ms. Potato at Small Tech Company, she encountered many of the same issues. (I was only a temp, so sick leave and vacation weren't in the deal for me.) One day our bosses would approve her vacation time happily. The next, they'd berate her for missing too much work. The woman who cut the checks was constantly trying to screw her out of her vacation time.

The problems all stemmed from them being a small company without established policies. They were making things up as they went along, no one was on the same page, and no one could remember what they'd said at any given point. In short, it was a mess!

I'm glad you're getting out of there! Seems like your new job has a bit better handle on this kind of stuff.