Friday, July 27, 2007

The Chronicles of Wah-Wah, Part II

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It only takes a few minutes to get where I am going;
Cause I am in control, and my toy is all knowing.
I call him BOB, Battery Operated Boyfriend
He love me long time, and is there til the end.
I hate when you go to use him and his batteries are dead
It's not like the fucking thing can give you some head.
But oh when he's charged and ready to go
You can make him go fast, and you can make him go slow.
My favorite is Osaki, I admit he's quite nice
He doesn't stimulate once, he stimulates twice!
He takes care of the internal and external spots
To hell with the sweating, he still makes me hot.
So tonight I will go sit back and just chill
And no one will worry, cause I will be fulfilled!

Not as good as the first Chronicle of Wah-Wah, but we have to keep it going.....

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Monday, July 23, 2007

New Career on the Horizon

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I moved to New Jersey to start working for a car dealership here, which I ended up hating. My boss made my life a living hell. I had told my mom about a week prior to Friday, July 20th that I felt that my boss was seriously trying to get me to quit. For the past two weeks or so I have been given a hard time from Guido the Steroid Abuser. It didn't surprise me on Friday at 3:30 PM when he "let me go". I was pissed that they had me move nearly 1700 miles, but at the same time, I was a bit relieved. I didn't plan on working in the car business the rest of my life, but I figured I would stick with it and make the most money I could then jump to something else. I don't have to do that anymore.

I decided that the best thing for me to do is something new and different. I didn't go to college to work with cars, and quite frankly, I don't think you have to have a degree to do that shit either. I want to do something that benefits others, and I want to come home feeling like I accomplished something and made an impact on someone else's life.

I was offered a job today in the teaching field. I think that this is what I want to do. When I got my degree in Theatre, I always said that if I didn't act, I would love to teach it. There was a teacher that made me pursue acting, he inspired and motivated me to do what it was that I loved. I want to do this for someone else. I knew that there wasn't a definite job obtaining my degree in Drama, but I didn't care; I loved it and that is what I wanted to do, and I still do.

So, I am getting out of car dealerships and into instilling others with some of the knowledge I have obtained in my many years of attending schools and Universities.

Wish me luck, and God help us all!

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Friday, July 20, 2007

I Feel Like an Ass Right About Now....

I bought a movie on and thought that the seller tried to rip me off by sending me a burned copy of the dvd. I attempted to contact the seller, and received no word back from him, then I proceeded to file a claim to directly. I received notification from them last night informing me that I was going to be issued a refund for the movie and that should resolve the problem.

Here is why I feel bad....

I bought Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan. Little did I know that the dvd was presented to look like a burned copy of the move, and in all actuality it was not.

I shouldn't feel bad about getting something for free, but I do feel bad for filing a claim against a seller for no reason. I just wish he would have responded to my email to resolve this issue prior to going and leaving him negative feedback and going over his head and filing a claim with the company directly.

I feel that they may have issued me a refund because the seller had some consistent negative feedback, therefore not questioning me and not asking for me to return the copy of the dvd. It works great, and I clearly remember writing the company informing them of this, and that I would have bought it regardless because of the price. I just felt that the seller would have noted that it was a burned copy.

I feel bad about all of this.

What should I do now that I have stuck my foot in my mouth?

Apparently I am not the only confused one. See here for more info.

Monday, July 16, 2007

My 5 Hour Excursion

I spent this last weekend making my rounds in Alexandria, VA and Washington, D.C. Oddly enough I have more friends there than I do here, which is somewhat sad, but really cool at the same time. I drove after work on Friday and got there at 10:00 PM. I should have gotten there at 9:44 PM according to my GPS, but I managed to get all turned around a few times because certain exits were too close to one another, or because I was still a little "in the clouds" to pay 100% attention. Nonetheless, I got there and saw my bestest friend in the world, Belle. The first night we went to a bar in Virginia, which was cool, seeing as how I haven't smoked in a bar since very early May.

* Tangent I know, but cigarettes are so fucking cheap there too. I should have bought like ten cartons, but I only got one. $33 for a carton....... Rape me and call be sugar tits...... (no, not really).

Saturday we headed over to the local diner (which you can smoke in as well), and ate BLT sandwiches (which I have been craving ever since, thank you very much). And then moseyed our way afterwards to a potential living space for Senorita Belle.

We also managed to meet up with 2 other college graduates on Saturday. First, we went to Miracle Whip's house and conducted a little partaking before heading over to Jubilee Jack's house in D.C. We had a feast! It was awesome. Jubilee Jack got in Grill King mode and we had a plateful of beautiful,tasty things to eat. We had steaks with a habanero kick (like burn the butthole kind of kick), stuffed mushrooms, mutated (by this I mean massive) Tabasco-Worcestershire-basil shrimp (grilled), bruschetta (without tomatoes), and asparagus with bacon.

After making a "happy plate", we went to a bar in DuPont called BrickSkiller. It was fun because I had another friend from high school that came too. I will call him Homo-Straight Boy. Everyone got along very well and we all managed to get drunk enough to forget tid bits here and there of the night.....

Sunday we woke up from Jubilee Jack's couch and made our way to brunch at DuPont Grille. It was pretty yummy, besides the fact that my bloody mary tasted like watered down cocktail sauce.

Then Belle and I did all the touristy-like stuff in the form of a "drive by". We drove and snapped pics, and got out one time to take pictures with Albert Einstein, make out with him, and offer him hits from our smokes....... classic!

We then went to Belle's house, took slut lick showers and went to the mall where we managed to grab some hella deals.

Then I drove home.....

In traffic......

I miss them already. It was super fun!!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

My Adventure in Going Out Alone

Friday night I refused to sit at home doing nothing, so I went to the local bar by myself. I figured one of two things could happen. I could A) meet some cool people and have some drins potentially bought for me, or B) I meet no one and sit there chatting with the bartenders. The second possibility didn't bother me, because I would be able to ask them what people did for fun and other places to check out nearby. I did meet some people though. Here is how it all started......

I was sitting by myself and drinking a beer. The bartender comes up to me, places a coin in front of me and tells me that my next drink was purchased by the guy at the end of the bar. I say hello to the guy and tell him thank you for the drink. He comes over and starts talking to me. I was trying to be friendly but the guy was incredibly unattractive, and he has a severe staring problem. I met the people that were with him. They were actually the ones sitting next to me, and they were really cool people. This other guy, on the other hand was a douche waiting for me to tell him to fuck off. I went out to smoke a few times and he followed. He was trying to hit on me, so I made it very clear that my intentions were not to hook up with anyone, and that finding a guy was my last priority. I somehow don't think he grasped this concept. Every time he asked me a question and I told him the answer, he kept asking the same question over and over again. He was annoying and after talking to him for a period of time, I wanted to kick myself for giving him my number. Let me just note that I was on a mission to find FRIENDS, and at the start of our conversation he seemed like a decent guy so I gave him my number to increase the number of contacts I know in New Jersey.


The guy asked me about six or seven times my plans for the following day. I told him I didn't know and to call if he wanted to do something. He asked what time I was going to be waking up and I told him not to call me early because I needed to sleep in after waking up at 5:30 every morning. I then said "do not call me in the AM at all"..... Guess what time the douche calls? 12:00 PM on the dot.....

Can we get anymore desperate?

I didn't answer. He calls a few hours later. I didn't answer again. He texts me. I don't respond. He then waits until 8:00 PM and calls again. Again I didn't answer. The last call was received at 1:28 AM as I am asleep in my bed. I didn't answer.

Today he skipped the calling and went straight to text messaging. He texts me at 1:41 PM asking if I was alive......

I didn't respond.

Next text at 6:06 PM saying "ski with me tonight". I didn't respond immediately.

I finally write him a text saying "stop texting me. It isn't free and I didn't respond to your 1st one. You always this pushy with people that tell you they aren't interested? It is very annoying."

He writes back "Go fuck your mother".

I respond by saying "I was trying to be mature about it. I told you that night at Krough's I was not interested but you kept pushing, and now you respond like one of your three children. Way to go".

I think he FINALLY got the point.

Are all guys like this when they are drunk or what? This guy apparently refused to take in what I was saying, then gets mad when I reiterate it. What the fuck? I told him from the beginning I was not interested. How is it my fault that he failed to retain the information?

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Fuck the Family Plan

My mom and I were both listed under a family plan with our current mobile provider. After the last bill came in, I have been hearing endless shit from my step-father regarding our cell phone use and minutes used. I called the company today and asked for help with this issue. She opted that I keep my number, keep the plan, but separate the bill. I asked her what all this entailed. She informed me that by doing this, I would be taken off the family plan, as well as my mother, and we would each hold individual policies and separate bills. I asked her about our previous bill, because according to my step-father, I was the one using the phone too much, and I was the one going over the allotted minutes. She told me the truth, which I have rarely seen since I stepped foot in this household. She told me that my mother and I were on a plan sharing 850 minutes. She then told me that we both were averaging 500 to 600 minutes EACH per month. So much for it being just me, right? Well, I got my own plan and now no one can say shit about it. I am a big girl now and they aren't paying for shit anymore. That was the only thing, seeing as how I held an additional line for only $10, but that was too much. Now I can honestly say they aren't paying for a god forsaking thing for me. Fuck family plans and making one person feel they are the one jeopardizing the plan for everyone. Shove it up your ass!

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