Wednesday, May 16, 2007

So Now I am a Taxi Driver

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I guess my mom is taking full advantage of the fact that I am living here now and have yet to start my new job. She decided that before the lease on her car is up, she is going to take it in for some minor body work. The guy at the shop told her it would take 3 days, so guess what? I get to drive the kids to school, to dance, to karate, and to swimming lessons. Not only this, but my sister attends school for only 2 hours a day. My schedule will be this for the remainder of the week. Take brother and sister to school, come home, pick up sister, come home, pick up brother, come home, go to swimming lessons, then straight to Karate, then come home. Nice huh? I knew I would be given a few babysitting duties, but I was unaware that I was going to be the only one with a car to take everyone everywhere they need to go (besides dad, but he is at work all day). If I had started my job according to original plan, my mom would have to take a rental car to accomplish this, but no..... I get to be the jack ass. I think this is quite interesting because I told my mom she would have to give me money for gas, because I am not going to pay to take these kids everywhere they need to go. I love them and all, but I am the one that has yet to start my job, therefore I have no income coming my way at the time being. This is just ridiculous. I didn't sign up for this.

1 comment:

Belle said...

Aw, hang in there sweetie! It's only three days. Try to see if you can't work in the commute trial one of those days. You need to do that!