Monday, May 14, 2007

My Dream of Being Kidnapped

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Ever since I graduated college and started the typical 8-5 kind of job, I rarely sleep in even when I am allowed to. Last night I got home from Sweet Charity and Nanny Mongo 911's house around 1:00 AM. I got one the computer, finished downloading some songs, and made my way to the bed. Normally my idea of "sleeping in" is around 9 o' clock, 10 at the latest. This morning was different. I woke up at 11:20 AM, and I hold my dream responsible for this. You know those dreams that are so intense you just have to finish them before you wake up? This was one of those. It was so intense and when I woke up, I was sweating.

Here goes....

I don't remember exactly how it started, but I was kidnapped along with a handful of my friends. From what I recollect, it was Sweet Charity, Nanny Mongo 911, and Lamb Bone. We were kidnapped by some guy and for some reason no one believed us whenever we came across an opportunity for someone to help out. We tried telling people, calling the police, and got absolutely nothing. We ran to other people's cars and they drove off with us basically hanging on their window (windows down of course). Everyone just drove off.

We were tortured by this man. I don't even know how the few incidents came along where we even had the opportunity to reach out for help, because from what it seemed, we were on a very tight leash. It was very creepy.

This went on for a long time and somehow one of my friends managed to lead us to the garage with a few moments head start and we jumped in this guy's car. I remember that we started driving the car off before we were fully inside and the doors were still open. It kind of reminded me of how they had to move the bus in Little Miss Sunshine..... you get the idea. The only way we escaped this man was by doing this, because had we all waited until in the car with doors shut, it would have kept on going. I remember him reaching us right as we started pulling the car out and going as fast as we could with the doors wide open.

I woke up sweating, as if the running to the car and jumping in while in motion with doors wide open really had occurred. It was so real that I could not possibly wake up until there was some resolution. We escaped, therefore allowing my body to be awaken and my mind so distorted from what I had previously encountered.

What I want to know is this... Why did everyone think we were crying wolf when this guy had indeed taken us hostage? Was everyone so self absorbed that they couldn't reach out to people in need? I know that dreams are supposed to have hidden meanings so if anyone knows what the hell all this means, please do tell.

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Anonymous said...

ok here is my spin on it but its your dream so... I think that the man who captured you has to be someone you know well, that is why no one believed that he kidnapped you, because why would someone you know do that? Your friends are kidnapped with you because they are the few you actually trust and are close to, so they see this man for who he really is. I think the escape is you moving to New Jersey and the doors open is you starting anew. "The doors are open to you" so to speak. Also, the "man" could be a problem you are escaping, that is why no one could help you, because you had to overcome it yourself, and your friends were with you for support. the open doors are the choices you have to make and go through to overcome this problem. Like I said, just my opinion, hope it helps

Belle said...

Wow. Crazy Dream! I'm no interpreter, though. :( Sorry I can't help!