Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Italian Long-Lunch, you are a DICK!

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I must start by saying that I am ready to get out of this job and into the groove of my new one to come. My boss, Italian Long-Lunch left for lunch at 12:30 this afternoon. Guess what time he came back? Just guess. 2:45. The fucking asshole took 2 hours and 15 fucking minutes for lunch knowing that I had not yet eaten and that I would have to wait for him to return prior to my leaving for lunch.

Can it be May 7th already?

Then, on top of this all, he doesn't tell me he had returned from lunch. I just so happen to walk past his office to see him sitting there. I look at him as if my eyes were about to pop out of their socket. He looks at me like a lunatic and asks me why I hadn't left yet. Why? Because your dumb fucking ignorant Italian ass never fucking told me you were back. He is fully aware that I cannot leave without him here. How would I have known to leave if he didn't tell me? What a fucking bastard.

I am counting down the days.... 19 more to go. 19.

I leave, and in doing so pick up the phone and call my mother, Spanish Fly. She says I should complain. Well should I? What will it accomplish? Maybe the other idiots we work with are oblivious to how long a lunch this fucking douche is actually taking.

Just breathe, Pissed off, just breathe.

I have had it with this company. The thing that no one realizes here is that I have to wait for my boss to return from lunch before I go. No one else has to do that lunch coordination bullshit.

Where are my nun chucks when I need them?

I am about to say something, because if I don't I fear for the safety of these people around me. I won't do what psycho did at Virginia Tech, but I will have a bitch slapping party where all these fuck faces are invited.

Don't these bitches know I am crazy?

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1 comment:

regina said...

ahahahahaha! bitches ain't shit!