Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Fraudulent Christian

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I work with a woman that calls herself a Christian. She always goes on about how she never says mean things about people and how she prays for people with ugly souls. This bitch is crazy. First off, she DOES talk bad about people. She got Fuzzy McCootersnatch and I in an argument a while back because she opens her mouth when it is not necessary. Secondly, the woman is married. Not only is The Fraudulent Christian married, but she lives with another man. She lives with the father of her child. So, let's catch up before we go any further.

1) There is a woman
2) She claims to be a Christian
3) She talks bad about people
4) She is married to a man she does not live with
5) She lives with another man other than her husband

Let us continue shall we? Well, on top of all this, she is a slut bag. She is sleeping with one of the guys at work that is also married. She is unaware of the widespread knowledge people have of this, but it is certainly very obvious. She leaves for lunch, his truck follows, she returns from lunch, his truck follows, and when she leaves for the day, he is right behind her. I wasn't aware that devout Christians are home wreckers too. I guess that was not in the part of the Bible I have ever read. The thing is, don't preach about how holy you are, when you aren't. Let's add to our list shall we?

6) She is sleeping with a married man
7) The married man she is sleeping with works with us

Moving on...... Recently before Fuzzy McCootersnatch left us to go to The Bike Rally, The Fraudulent Christian asked her for help in setting up a profile on Match.com. I guess her free trial was over and she went on to what she had free reign over. This lady is also not attractive. She is 50, or approaching 50, dresses like she is 20, and looks pregnant with triplets. How is that for a visual?

There are more interesting tid bits about The Fraudulent Christian. Not very long ago she was telling Fuzzy McCootersnatch and I about an issue she has with puss in her urine. She stated that it was a Urinary Track Infection, and claimed she didn't sleep around, but at this point that is all up in the air. After all, does a devout Christian woman get involved with a happily married man that has 2 children?

One day she arrives to work, goes upstairs and there was no coffee made. She tells Pirate Pants to make her some coffee. Pirate Pants has been working here for 26 years, he came over with the owner, so she was wrong for asking him to make her some coffee. Luckily he didn't. He informed her that anyone wanting coffee was responsible for making it themselves. She of course waited for the cleaning lady to arrive and told her to make her some coffee. She claimed she didn't know how to make it. Well, business coffee makers usually have prepacked coffee, as we do, and a button on the machine that says "start" or "brew". Fucking idiot!!!

Then, last week, she must have cut herself with some paper or something so she gets on the intercom and calls one of the parts guys to the front desk. He was unavailable, so another parts guy comes to the counter. He asked what she needed and she told him she needed Breakfast Taco Runner to go and get her a band-aid. Well, this was also a do-it-yourself type thing like the coffee. You need a band-aid, get it yourself. The parts guy told her this and she said, "I'll wait until he isn't busy, I don't feel like walking all the way over there." Bitch, with your fat, pregnant, triplet looking ass you could use to walk up a few steps!!

Tell me after all this that this lady is a good Christian woman. She is a lunatic!!!

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