Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Typical Bartender

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The Typical Bartender works at the bar that I frequent, and we have been flirting back and forth with one another for a while now. One night I was out at the bar and had met up with Super Short Dude (a blog will be written about him in the very near future). The Typical Bartender handed me a piece of paper and said that if I ever felt like hanging out, I should give him a call.

There was something about this guy that intrigued me. Maybe it was because he didn't come off as the overbearing type like the rest of the bunch, or because I was attracted to him initially. He is tall, not too big or too small, and very quiet. I though that maybe, just maybe this guy was different than all the other bartenders I have encountered in the past.

I called him the night he gave me his number and just told him "Now you have mine. Have a good night". We texted a little bit back and forth, and of course I saw him when I went to the bar on Tuesday nights for wings and on the weekends.

This past Tuesday though was different.

He had mentioned the weekend before that he had put in his notice to leave the bartending job and that he was moving to Jersey City, which from what I hear is about 45 minutes to an hour away. I told him that I was still not opposed to hanging out with him, because that really isn't THAT far away considering everything around here is a drive.

On Tuesday my friend Taco and I met up at the bar to eat some wings and have a few beers. I was doing the normal flirting with The Typical Bartender and Taco said that she didn't really see him reciprocating. She said that something was weird about him and that he just didn't seem "into it".

Anyone that knows me is aware that I am pretty confrontational and up front, so I asked him straight out. He said some bullshit about bad timing and all that and it pissed me off. The thing is, HE gave me HIS number. He initiated the entire process and then when called out on it he retracts the act entirely? This is not acceptable. I could understand if we went out and there was just nothing there, but to give your number out and say "Let's hang out", then come back with the timing being wrong is a bit ridiculous I think.

I got upset and stepped outside with Taco for a smoke. She apologized for calling it as she saw it, and I told her that I was glad she did, because I wouldn't have wanted to invest any time and effort for someone that "wasn't feeling it". Another girl joined us and was asking what was the matter and the truth about The Typical Bartender came out.

The girl told the both of us how the same kind of thing happened with her and The Typical Bartender. She said that he gave her his number and said that if she ever wanted to hang out to give him a call and after a few calls and a few visits to the bar, he told her that she was "smothering him" and that he was no longer interested.

Her friend, The Nurse had a similar encounter with The Typical Bartender. She said something about how one night she was at the bar on a date with a guy and he asked her if she was interested in going out for dinner one night. She was embarrassed because she was thinking about how rude that was to her date and she said "Hell no" to him and left right after dinner and went somewhere else for drinks after that.

I just don't really understand why someone would pursue you, then take it back. How fucking old are we? I am too old for childish fucking games, and quite frankly, it is pretty fucking mean to mess with people's emotions like that in the first place. At least take me out and just say there wasn't anything there before you act like a complete fucking douche face.

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Anonymous said...

This Bartender guy is such a looser! Thank God your friend called him out for you. There seems to be a cloud following sweetie! It's all your X's fault from Houston for being a little bitch. LOL I am just kidding..... Well smile and cheer up... been thinking about you.... I MISS TALKING TO YOU DURING THE DAY! Hope you are feeling better... I'll be checking in on you..

CawfeeGuy said...

girl, NEVER try and date a bartender; second ONLY to Go-Go boys/strippers, they are the LOWEST on the bar-scene totem pole when it comes to honesty, fidelity or class. your better off with the resident DJ or drug dealer.