Sunday, September 2, 2007

Hurricanes and Tropical Islands

The family and I went to Jamaica for 2 weeks, and it just so happened that we were there when hurricane Dean decided to stop by for a visit. It could have been worse, but having a category 4 hurricane coming over our villa was really scary to my mom because of the kids. We went 5 days without electric, and 3 days without water pressure or hot water. It wasn't really that bad about the water, because it was so damn hot that you WANTED to take a cold shower.

The unbearable part was thew lack of electricity. We had to sleep with the windows open because it was so hot, but in Jamaica they have some vicious biting flies and a hell of a lot of mosquitoes that found their way through the holes in the window screens. FUCKERS!!! I remember trying to go to bed and I kept slapping myself to try and kill those bastards. I remember one night my mom and I slept in the same room and we were up at 4 in the morning talking/ hallucinating about what we could do to prevent those fuckers from getting to us. Mom came up with the mummification idea. Her thoughts were to get a whole bunch of gauze and wrap it all over out entire bodies. We went through 3 tubes of anti-itch cream. 3 TUBES!!!! Mom sat in her bed with a bottle of Raid in her hand and I sat there with a lantern and a Citronella coil that the bastards were immune to. We cussed them out like it was going out of style, and I still have marks from those fuckers!

Not to mention the damn biting assholes, My dad and I went snorkeling the Thursday before we left. A massive fucker of a jellyfish decided to attack me and stung 3/4 of my body, basically everything that wasn't covered. I was stung all up and down on one arm, some on the other arm, and all around both of my legs. Needless to say I was done with the ocean at this point. I have been back a week now, and the scars are just now going away!!

Other than that, everything was awesome. I need to go back to get the negative parts out of my mind.

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Belle said...

Sounds miserable! I hope the good parts make up for the nasty. :)

CawfeeGuy said...

sweet mother of pearl bailey, you poor thing :^(