Monday, July 23, 2007

New Career on the Horizon

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I moved to New Jersey to start working for a car dealership here, which I ended up hating. My boss made my life a living hell. I had told my mom about a week prior to Friday, July 20th that I felt that my boss was seriously trying to get me to quit. For the past two weeks or so I have been given a hard time from Guido the Steroid Abuser. It didn't surprise me on Friday at 3:30 PM when he "let me go". I was pissed that they had me move nearly 1700 miles, but at the same time, I was a bit relieved. I didn't plan on working in the car business the rest of my life, but I figured I would stick with it and make the most money I could then jump to something else. I don't have to do that anymore.

I decided that the best thing for me to do is something new and different. I didn't go to college to work with cars, and quite frankly, I don't think you have to have a degree to do that shit either. I want to do something that benefits others, and I want to come home feeling like I accomplished something and made an impact on someone else's life.

I was offered a job today in the teaching field. I think that this is what I want to do. When I got my degree in Theatre, I always said that if I didn't act, I would love to teach it. There was a teacher that made me pursue acting, he inspired and motivated me to do what it was that I loved. I want to do this for someone else. I knew that there wasn't a definite job obtaining my degree in Drama, but I didn't care; I loved it and that is what I wanted to do, and I still do.

So, I am getting out of car dealerships and into instilling others with some of the knowledge I have obtained in my many years of attending schools and Universities.

Wish me luck, and God help us all!

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regina said...

that's beautiful, man. good riddance to fuckin' jobs that nobody wants anyway. you've got the passion. you can do anything you want.

miss you, dude ... oh, and i AM working on the tag ...

Anonymous said...

Good for you. Molding the minds of young children with your craft. Right on!

Belle said...

Here's to new prospects!