Friday, June 5, 2009

I May Have Lost a Friend, But I Found a Long Lost Friend/ Tribute to my Weekend Roomie

Las Vegas Pictures, Images and Photos

I suppose I should start by saying that I don't have many friends. In high school and shit like that I did, but as I grew older, I realized that those people were more like acquaintances. Now, I view the term friend a bit differently. I think of the people I can call on, the people that are there for me when I need them, and the people that I would be there for no matter what if they need me.

Weekend Roomie and I have become quite close since we first reconnected after ten years time. Although I lost Belle as a friend, it was kind of like I was making room for someone that "wanted" to be my friend, and getting all the insincere people out of my life. I thought it was funny when Weekend Roomie told me she would submit her application for the Best Friend Position that had opened up, but to be honest, she didn't even need to apply.

Weekend Roomie and I have a lot of fun together. When we talk on the phone, 95% of the time we are cracking up laughing. I have known her since 8th grade, and to be honest, seeing her after 10 years time was like nothing had changed and we picked up exactly where we left off, just older and with more possibilities to have fun and do things.

I called Weekend Roomie on Monday to wish her a Happy Birthday. She then told me that her and her 2 brothers (they all work together) were talking about taking a trip to Las Vegas and having the company foot the bill. She told me that it would only be fair if she were able to have a plus 1 for her, because her brothers are married and would be taking their wives and children and it being equally their money, she said she should be able to take someone as well. Guess who she invited? ME!!! When we were talking about it and asked me if I wanted to go, I told her that I would not be able to afford that especially with such short notice, and she said "All you need is spending and play money. You don't have to worry with anything else, we have your flight and hotel".

We are going to Vegas for the 22nd to the 26th of June. That is Monday thru Friday. I know we will have a blast, because we always do.

Now tell me that is not a friend..... I bet you can't.

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