Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Lights are Off and Somebody's Home.

I should start by saying that I hate stupid people. With the exception of this morning and my rude awakening, everything has been wonderful today, but this morning is enough to piss anyone off.

I got home late, and went to bed even later. I probably went to bed between midnight and one, but for a weeknight, that is late for me. I am the kind of person that is fully aware of how big of a bitch I am in the morning, so I try to avoid making it worse by trying to go to bed at a decent hour. As I was saying, I went to bed late, and finally fell asleep only to be waken up by my fucking idiot, douche bag neighbor.

I heard a knocking sound. Being that I was in deep sleep, I was unable to distinguish whether this was happening in my dream, or in reality. Once I finally opened my eyes and remained laying in the bed for a few minutes, I heard it again, then again, and again. It must have been going on for AT LEAST 30 minutes at this point. I jumped up, looked at the clock, and saw that it was only 6:00AM and still pitch black outside. I was also only in my underwear. I pulled a blanket around me and walked into the living room to the front door. Once I got to the door, I called out to see who it was (I was not about to open the door when I was half naked, when it is dark outside, when I am not expecting visitors, and when I cannot see without my glasses). The voice from the other side of the door was a female and she said "your neighbor".

I cracked the door and I asked her what she wanted. Then this bitch has the audacity to ask me to watch her car for a while cause she parked in a tow zone. I was furious. I told the girl I was sleeping and she said "oh, I am so sorry". This is bullshit. She knew I was sleeping because of multiple reasons.

tow mater Pictures, Images and Photos

1) After 30 minutes of continuous knocking I finally came to the door.
2) It was dark outside, and I didn't have any lights on in my house.
3) It was 6 in the FUCKING morning.
4) I was naked. (OK, so this COULD mean I just got done showering or I was doing the do, but those are also times you DON'T interrupt people).

I slammed the door in her face and tried to go back to bed.

I don't know what goes through people's head these days. First off, I ONLY went to the door, because after 30 minutes I figured it was an emergency or something. In 30 minutes time, this fucking dumb ass whore could have parked over a mile away and STILL made it back to her apartment prior to being done with knocking on MY door. Not only that, but we are not friends. I said "hi" possibly 3 times max, that doesn't mean "hey buddy, wake me up whenever because I want to be your best friend".

People have been killed for less. She should keep that in mind. Next time the nun chucks and dagger are coming to the door with me...... or should I use my throwing stars? Hmmmmmmm.......

1 comment:

Belle said...

WTF??? That's just nuts!