Saturday, January 5, 2008

The Bipolar Woman

Ok, so I haven't written in a while and figure this would be a great time to start back and a great story to kick off the new year.

I think I started babysitting for The Bipolar Woman in November. This was short lived, obviously. I soon came to realize that this woman is indeed a crazy bitch and on top of that one who uses alcohol to self medicate, in other words a fucking alcoholic.

Let me give you a little background on The Bipolar Woman. She is 29 years old and has 2 children. One is 3 1/2 and the other is 9. She only has custody of the 3 1/2 year old. The Bipolar Woman has never been married, and both children are from different fathers. It wasn't until recently I found out that not only does she not have custody of the 9 year old, he is not even allowed to go in her house. That being said, on the weekends he comes to visit her The Bipolar Woman's mom picks him up in Connecticut and drives him to her house where he stays for the weekend. Mom visits him there. The Bipolar Woman is a waitress at a restaurant in town and doesn't drive or own a car.

To get to the part where I decide not to babysit for this crazy bitch anymore, will lead us to the last week in December. The Bipolar Woman calls me at 11:35 in the morning asking me if I were available to babysit that day. I said that I was and asked what time she needed me there. She informs me that I am needing to be at her house at 12, which leaves me with 10 minutes to get out of bed and wash up and 15 minutes to get to her house. I informed her that it would have been nice to know this earlier or the day before even, but she assures me that she had just recently found out that she was needed to come into work. I say yes to the situation and bust my ass in order to get there on time.

My phone rings again at 11:43......

Her Fuck Buddy is on the other end of the line. I assumed he was calling me to see where I was and having 2 minutes left before I was to leave the house I just spurted out "Tell her I will be there at 12, and to quit fucking calling me!"

He informs me that she asked him to call because she had JUST found out that she didn't need to work.

I find this incredibly ironic because only 8 minutes prior she was calling me telling me she JUST found out that she had to work and that is why I was not given prior notice.

At this point I am pissed. Not only did I get my ass out of bed after having stayed at a coworkers house until nearly 3 in the morning drinking wine, but I hurried to shower and brush my teeth for what, NOTHING?

I tell her Fuck Buddy to tell her that she is ridiculous and went off about how she woke me up and made me do everything at the speed of light for nothing. I then tell him that the next time she has something negative to say, she should fucking have the guts to call me her damn self. I hung up the phone.

At the point there is no need for me to get back in bed. Hell, I showered, brushed my teeth, and got dressed in 8 minutes. That kind of rush kind of wakes you up, don't you think?

My phone rings again at 11:57 AM..... It is HER.

I answer the phone and she starts in telling me how sorry she is and how she would like to take me to lunch to make up for it. I agree because as I said before, I was not about to get back in bed. I told her I would leave my house and meet her at her house.

We go to lunch. My coworker calls me and tells me that she is heading up to the school, and having not fed my frog in a week, I told her I would meet her up there. I asked The Bipolar Woman and her Fuck Buddy to box the rest of my food and I would either A) call when i was done to see if they were still at the restaurant, or B) meet them wherever they were for my food.

I go to the school.

My phone rings again...... It is HER again.

I answer the phone and she lets me know that they are leaving the restaurant, but that Fuck Buddy has my food and I can just call him when I am done to pick it up or meet him somewhere.

She had to work the night shift and during lunch she asked me if I wanted to babysit for the nighttime. I was already irate so I said no, but I had also made plans to take my brother and sister to see Alvin and the Chipmunks. She said not to worry about it and that she would have her mom sit for her daughter.

I finish at the school and call her Fuck Buddy. He tells me that we can meet back up at the restaurant where we ate and that he would buy me a drink. I let him know that I was going to find out the movie times and then I would meet him there.

The Bipolar Woman sees us leaving the restaurant and him handing me my food. She immediately starts text messaging him saying "I guess she couldn't babysit tonight because she was too busy having cocktails with you" and other things of the sort.

Fist off, I have the fucking movie tickets to prove that I went with my siblings, however I do not feel I have to justify myself to her. Secondly, SHE called ME telling me that HE had my food. If she had a huge problem with him giving me my leftovers, she could have easily said "I have your leftovers, you can come pick it up whenever you get a chance because you have a key to my house". She isn't the most rational or smartest people in the world. And Thirdly, It would be different if I was making out with her Fuck Buddy, but he was HANDING ME MY FUCKING FOOD!!!!

Now you tell me, would YOU babysit for this crazy bitch after that?


Anonymous said...

Oooh... I didn't hear how the saga continued. It's been too cold to be in that lady's house anyway!

regina said...

You make me laugh so fucking much!

and no, I wouldn't babysit for the crazy bitch after that.

And yeah, I used to babysit for these people that turned out to be really fucking flaky, so I stopped working for them. I just can't stand that shit when people don't think about how your time is as valuable as theirs.


regina said...

write something!