Sunday, July 8, 2007

My Adventure in Going Out Alone

Friday night I refused to sit at home doing nothing, so I went to the local bar by myself. I figured one of two things could happen. I could A) meet some cool people and have some drins potentially bought for me, or B) I meet no one and sit there chatting with the bartenders. The second possibility didn't bother me, because I would be able to ask them what people did for fun and other places to check out nearby. I did meet some people though. Here is how it all started......

I was sitting by myself and drinking a beer. The bartender comes up to me, places a coin in front of me and tells me that my next drink was purchased by the guy at the end of the bar. I say hello to the guy and tell him thank you for the drink. He comes over and starts talking to me. I was trying to be friendly but the guy was incredibly unattractive, and he has a severe staring problem. I met the people that were with him. They were actually the ones sitting next to me, and they were really cool people. This other guy, on the other hand was a douche waiting for me to tell him to fuck off. I went out to smoke a few times and he followed. He was trying to hit on me, so I made it very clear that my intentions were not to hook up with anyone, and that finding a guy was my last priority. I somehow don't think he grasped this concept. Every time he asked me a question and I told him the answer, he kept asking the same question over and over again. He was annoying and after talking to him for a period of time, I wanted to kick myself for giving him my number. Let me just note that I was on a mission to find FRIENDS, and at the start of our conversation he seemed like a decent guy so I gave him my number to increase the number of contacts I know in New Jersey.


The guy asked me about six or seven times my plans for the following day. I told him I didn't know and to call if he wanted to do something. He asked what time I was going to be waking up and I told him not to call me early because I needed to sleep in after waking up at 5:30 every morning. I then said "do not call me in the AM at all"..... Guess what time the douche calls? 12:00 PM on the dot.....

Can we get anymore desperate?

I didn't answer. He calls a few hours later. I didn't answer again. He texts me. I don't respond. He then waits until 8:00 PM and calls again. Again I didn't answer. The last call was received at 1:28 AM as I am asleep in my bed. I didn't answer.

Today he skipped the calling and went straight to text messaging. He texts me at 1:41 PM asking if I was alive......

I didn't respond.

Next text at 6:06 PM saying "ski with me tonight". I didn't respond immediately.

I finally write him a text saying "stop texting me. It isn't free and I didn't respond to your 1st one. You always this pushy with people that tell you they aren't interested? It is very annoying."

He writes back "Go fuck your mother".

I respond by saying "I was trying to be mature about it. I told you that night at Krough's I was not interested but you kept pushing, and now you respond like one of your three children. Way to go".

I think he FINALLY got the point.

Are all guys like this when they are drunk or what? This guy apparently refused to take in what I was saying, then gets mad when I reiterate it. What the fuck? I told him from the beginning I was not interested. How is it my fault that he failed to retain the information?


Belle said...

Ugh. Good thing you weren't interested in this guy. He would've been trouble down the road. Good riddance.

regina said...

ahahahahahaha. Jesus. On one hand I'm sorry, on the other that's fucking hilarious. Girl, I know you're new in town, but all the more reason to be careful about whom you give your number to.

p.s. what a douche!