Friday, June 8, 2007

There is Always a Douche at Each Job

So I like my job for the most part, but there is one prick (sitting next to me at the moment) who gets on my last fucking nerve. He may be a nice guy outside of work, but some people are just not work compatible. More on this later. I think he is watching me........

OK, so today he was fine but let us back track a bit........

(insert twilight zone music here)

Yesterday when I got to work my boss asked what I had said to Ugly Metal Band Coworker about my pay checks. The thing is, he asked me why I had 2 checks, obviously in my business, which to me was a little too close for comfort. This had happened Friday, so Monday my boss asked me this and I told him the situation. I told him that Ugly Metal Band Coworker had asked me about my pay, and I told him. I felt uncomfortable doing this, but at the same time I didn't want to lie. I should have just told him that was none of his business and that be the end of it, but I didn't want to be rude.

For the most part, people in my position work on only a salary until their probation is up. I on the other hand, was an exception. I am receiving a base plus a commission and this made Ugly Metal Band Coworker unhappy. I can not help that I have been in the car business for a while and I cannot go back in time to amend his original offer. He agreed to the terms of his employment. I guess I am just a better negotiator.

I thought it was odd that my boss was even approaching me with asking what went down, because I have never been in a job where people have the nerve to ask what I make and then proceed to take it to my boss. Suck it up and go on with your life! When my boss asked me, I relayed verbatim the conversation between Ugly Metal Band Coworker and myself and the proceeded to tell my boss that it was unprofessional to begin with and that I could not even begin to fathom why it was being brought up again.

Work ends and I drive home....

Phone rings.

I answer and it is my boss calling. He told me that he had laid it down to Ugly Metal Band Coworker and that he was impressed with my performance at work. We get off the phone and that was it.

I get to work today and Ugly Metal Band Coworker and I get along just fine and he was actually quite conversational today. I guess my boss did more than just telling him to mind his own business. Whatever he did it worked for at least a day. Hopefully it was a consistent talking to. More on THAT later.


Belle said...

I hope you're still getting along! But you're right. There's always a prick (or several) in every setting.

Anonymous said...

Girl, don't sweat it. I just started a new job. I have a bad feeling about one of my co-workers. I swear, I can detect the douchiness right away.