Thursday, April 26, 2007

Someone Got Canned!!!

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It was only a matter of time before The Fraudulent Christian was going to be let go. That just so happened to be yesterday. Like the dumb ass she is, she went to the GM and told him her probationary period was coming to an end, and asked him if they had any intentions of keeping her. He said no. I guess she then told him that she would work until the end of the pay period, which is Monday. I guess that didn't go so well. She is not here today, so I imagine her asking made the process go much quicker than she had anticipated. She had the audacity to go to my boss yesterday and ask if she could take my position once I left. My boss told me this and said that he would quit if they put her in my spot. It is nice to be loved and appreciated. I can honestly say that he is the coolest boss here, even though his lunchtime habits tend to piss me the fuck off. They seriously need to hire someone else. They are still behind on employees. They have yet to fill the receptionist position and Fuzzy McCootersnatch left a while ago. Now, they have to fill the accounts payable position because The Fraudulent Christian got the can, and as of next Friday, I will be out of here and my seat will be empty. I know that working in the front is not easy. It isn't the work that is difficult, but the lady at the front that has been there 26 years is a bitch; I'll call her PT Shmoozer (she drives an ugly PT Cruiser). It is hard for anyone to stay in accounts payable with PT Shmoozer. She is hard to work for and never satisfied with anyone. It seems that no one ever makes it past their probationary period. I guess that is because even though they are short on staff, they would rather not invest in someone and offer them the few dinky benefits they have available here. I can honestly say I saw it coming; I just can't believe the idiot initialized her own termination. That reminds me of the movie Friday, where the guy gets fired on his day off. That shit doesn't happen everyday!!!

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CawfeeGuy said...

i love it when BAD things happen to BAD people who think they're GOOD! Schadenfreude, indeed hahahaha

Belle said...

Haha! Bitch got served! :)