Friday, April 27, 2007

I Think it is Time to Move on.

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I received an email this morning from a friend of mine from Middle School. This is an exchange from one girl to another. The one starting the conversation is a girl I do not know. Names have been altered to protect the identities of these people. I of course am Pissed Off, Middle School Midget is my ex, Fat Cheerleader is the girl who is stuck in the past, Bo Jangles is the male friend from Middle School, and Petite Patty is the girl I know that sent this to me. The girl I do not know I will call Unknown Person.

Here goes....

(Starting with Unknown Person to Petite Patty)

"Hey I talked with Fat Cheerleader the other day and she said that Pissed Off sent her an email saying something like "why does it surprise you that Middle School Midget and I lasted that long".... Well anyways Fat Cheerleader was asking if I knew anything about it. I don't even know Pissed I wouldn't really care if she and Middle School Midget were or were not together. I didn't know anyone else that would know anything about this except you or Bo Jangles so that's why I am asking you what you know about this. Thoughts? -Unknown Person"

(Response from Petite Patty to Unknown Person)

"hmm I dunno I think someone told Pissed Off that Fat Cheerleader said that, maybe Bo Jangles, but don't quote me on that because I have no freakin idea, lol such drama! Pissed Off is really cool though. I like her lots, I just hung out w/her on Wednesday. I do remember hearing something about that but I have no idea who said what. "

(Unknown Person to Petite Patty)

"I'm gonna forward this to Bo Jangles and see what he knows... -Unknown Person"

(Last email From Petite Patty to Unknown Person)

"I don't want to get involved... why say anything to her... no point in starting drama right? just say you don't know anything about it b/c I don't want to get involved at all. "

That is the end of the exchange of words between Unknown Person and Petite Patty. I wrote an email to Fat Cheerleader on the 6th of April. This is what it said...

"So I heard you were shocked to hear that Middle School Midget and I dated for a long time..... Why was that surprising to you? Just curious. How you been? "

(Fat Cheerleader's response to that email)

"if you're that curious and you really want to 'talk' you can call me anytime..... 281-216-0642. xoxo, Fat Cheerleader"

What does it mean when the word talk is in quotes? Is that the start of fighting words? Why is Fat Cheerleader so stuck in the past? She dated Middle School Midget in Middle School. That was fucking 15 years ago. I think that is plenty of time to have healed from any wounds occurred from that time. I just think it is ridiculous that she is still not over it.

I responded to her with this...

"What's the deal with your friend Unknown Person doing some investigation on me? You dated Middle School Midget in middle school. Don't you think you should be over it by now? I mean, honestly. Besides I am not even with him anymore, so what is the huge fucking problem? I have bigger things to stress out about and worry about. Tell Unknown Person I said "Hi." Glad you are all so concerned with my life. "

I am sure that if she hasn't grown up by now, she is probably not going to, but it's worth a shot.

I must be pretty damn important for her to be so concerned, and if she is trying to track down who all she said that shit to in the beginning, she may be better off keeping me out of her mouth. Grow the fuck up and move on to something else. Your story is old, and no one cares dumb obese bitch!!

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Anonymous said...

Its fucking FUNNY AS HELL that people cling to the past... their "glory days" i guess...its pathetic that fat cheerleader is still worrying enough what middleschool midget is doing. They are both trapped in the past though IMO

Its nice to see people who thought they were the shit be so pathetic now.

Belle said...

I'm confused as all hell about this... and really, really glad you're getting out of that place soon!