Saturday, April 7, 2007

Are you serious?

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I received this email today after jokingly asking my friend Karaoke King why I was bumped down on his "top friends" list on MySpace......

"Everyone gets shuffled around from time to time and this is exactly why I deleted my first Myspace page... people cryin' about not being the #1 friend. Sad yes..and fucking stupid. But...if you need a reason.. This whole this last week about me changing plans and how you're hurt over it is a bunch of stupid bologna. You changed our plans Monday and did I cry over it? No. Then you proceed to berate me because I wouldn't further change my plans to help you. Well, I'm sorry. Then, I see that you blog about the whole situation and you fail to reveal the reason I changed plans, trying to make yourself look "holy-er-than-thou" and that is the last straw. I believe I've treated you well. I've gone above and beyond to hook you up with drinks and dinner and such and for what? I'm a nice guy. I didn't hit on you or make you uncomfortable..I was just there to hang with. I believe part of your anger about the plans thing is that you expected me to pay for your dinner because I'd been so willing in the past. Well, times they are a changin. Seeing you so hung up on all this has really changed the way I look at you. It's sad. You're one of the only ladies I know who's intelligent, fun and beautiful yet you can't function alone. I'm removing the sign from my back that says "STEP HERE". I'm letting you know now NOT to plan on Tuesday night...I have plans already with other friends. It was fun while it lasted. I hope you get all you're looking for when you move to NJ. Good luck. Oh yeah...and inviting your friend to dinner, having drinks and expecting me to pony up for it was pretty bold. Thank goodness that won't be happening again. "

I surely wasn't expecting that from him. It bothers me that he even thinks that way. I am no one to convince anyone else otherwise, because I lack the effort to even attempt trying. If this is how I come off to other people, so be it; the ones that really know me know that this isn't the case.

As far as the tab, my friend ate what I had left on my plate from my meal. The only thing that she ordered was one beer and I had the same. When the bill came I asked him if he wanted to split it down the middle, then retreated and said "Oh no, I forgot we both (my friend and I) had a beer each", he said it was fine, I double checked and that was it. I mean, I will give you your $3.50 extra that you paid. If I am not mistaken, I split the total bill with him, including the edamame I didn't order and whatnot, but if that is such a big deal, my bad. I didn't realize it was like that. I should have busted out the calculator.

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I guess this just proves that people get offended when they are called out. As far as the Monday night deal and my backing out, he was offering to pay for a massage, so in the long run I am glad I backed out. I wouldn't dare want that thrown in my face.

I never asked him to pay for anything for me; he offered. The point of the matter is to not offer something to someone if you are going to shove it back in their face. It really isn't a gift when you talk about it so much. Let me pay for myself, I never said you had to do it.

This just proves to me more and more my justification for leaving Houston. I love Houston, I mean I grew up here, but everything has changed so much from when I loved it here, I loved being here, and I loved the people here. It surely isn't the same.

Also, plans are plans. Don't get upset with me for not keeping your end of the bargain and being called out in a blog. When I cancelled, it was to....
1) Not have you spend YOUR money on me
2) To get my TV that I had been waiting for nearly a month for
3) I called the lady myself to cancel, therefore not inconveniencing you in any manner

What else do you want from me? You get mad that I cancel something you were going to pay $35 for, to do something important, but are upset that we split a tab where a $3.50 drink was on there. I am sure we didn't order the exact same thing, and with you ordering a la carte, are you sure I didn't pick up some of your tab? Do you know for a fact? I wasn't meticulous in the unveiling of the receipt. I guess we will never know.

Maybe I will go and order the exact same thing we both did to decipher the results, if it is such a big deal.

Next time the calculator will be present, say no more.

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Belle said...

What is it with these douchetards lately? Seems you'll be better off with this guy out of your life...

regina said...

That is fucking ridiculous. And he starts his message with basically saying the whole myspace top people thing wasn't a really big deal, and then goes into the whole actual, hugely passive aggressive way of his dealing with some inner-monologue interpretation of a sequence of events which did in fact lead him to take that measure. wtf.

Pissed Off said...

Cara, you are right. if he in fact thought it was all bullshit with the top friends thing, he wouldn't have began with that, then move on starting with "but if you must know......." that is fucking childish and pathetic. He is 38 years old too. I just deleted him as my friend. I don't have time for all that. I don't want to hang out with people like that anyway, so it is a good thing I found this out sooner than later.