Friday, March 16, 2007

Something to NOT be pissed about

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There is a wonderful guy I have been talking to. My mom met him at her Tae Kwon Do classes. I have not even met the guy, but we are constantly communicating. We talk on the phone daily, we email one another back and forth, and I am about to start sending random, yet fun packages to him in the mail. Even though I haven't met the guy (I'll call him NJ) I feel as though I know him already. NJ and I live 1,642.7 miles away from one another, so I guess if I am to be pissed about anything in this blog, the distance can be it. I feel that this has made it more worthwhile in actually getting to know him. There are so many people today that look at you and just want to get to know you based on what they see. This isn't the case with NJ. We emailed before we spoke, and after hitting it off there, we expanded our communication barriers and went to speaking over the telephone. I asked my friend Antibelle yesterday if it was possible to miss someone you didn't even know. I am still asking myself this question. The problem in getting to know people based on what you see is that they can disappoint you by lacking substance. When I talk to NJ, I feel like I have known him for a long time. I know that people out there say it is possible to fall in love with someone over the Internet and whatnot, but I never realized how possible it actually is. I am not saying that I am in love with the guy, but what if he turns out to be what I have been looking for all along? From our conversations, I definitely see potential. NJ has jokingly told me he is the man of my dreams, and all women for that matter, but they just can't handle it. What if he is and what if I can (handle it that is)? When I think about him, I am not pissed off. When I am pissed off, he makes me feel better. I think this is how it is supposed to be. I just never felt like this. I never felt like someone over a thousand miles away could make me feel like a lady, and beautiful. I can't help but smile when I think about him, or something he has said to me. I should thank him for helping me not be so pissed off all the time. I'll have to remember that for our next conversation.

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1 comment:

Belle said...

That feeling is wonderful, no? I mean, no matter the distance, that's a feeling that makes all this other crap worth it. Enjoy it without analyzing too much!